Believing the Church can be more than we know. Dreaming toward all God can do... even through us!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

September 2011 Update


I am amazed that three months have gone by in the life of The CityWell. There are some great stories to tell, some wonderful answered prayers, and some surprising realizations. I am grateful for the opportunity to share these things with you, and more so that you care to hear and to pray for us. Thank you!

We have a consistent group of people for whom The CityWell is becoming a church family, and this is so exciting to see – particularly knowing that we are just beginning to experience the power and beauty of being the community God is calling us to become. We have continued to gather consistently, but in a variety of places and forms, not settling into a permanent routine. Sometimes we pile into our home; sometimes we meet at a local park; other times we gather in smaller teams in people’s living rooms; and other times we gather somewhere in the community to serve together in some way. Occasionally our gatherings slightly resemble church as most of us know it. We enjoy singing, praying for each other, receiving God’s gift of Communion, and meditating on the scriptures or stories of how God is showing up in and redeeming our lives. Often we share food with one another or meet simply to enjoy life with one another. While this is a bit chaotic, it is intentional, as we are seeking to develop a 3-dimensional life together, with upward (connecting with God), inward (connecting with one another), and outward (connecting with our city) dynamics that together comprise the fulsome life into which God invites us.

Perhaps my favorite aspect of gathering in smaller numbers and in intimate settings (like a living room) is that everyone can truly participate. I’ve been struck anew by the tone of Paul’s letters to the early churches… he’s writing to networks of oikos gatherings (oikos is Greek for household). So, for instance, in 1 Corinthians 14:26 we find: What then, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. Each one! I am learning in a new way to take seriously that God really does impart gifts of the Spirit to EVERY believer for the sake of the whole Body, and we are learning how to structure our life together in ways that we can receive the gifts of each one. Pretty cool stuff!

Please pray for all of us, that we will have the patience and wisdom to discern God’s leading in this little church experiment. Particularly pressing in my mind is the tension between wanting to grow, and wanting to grow in the healthiest way. For instance, I believe we are called to maintain the oikos as the primary expression of our church gatherings, so as not to lose the gifts of intimacy and full participation, and to create environments where we can best grow as disciples. Therefore, the way forward for us will likely be the formation of a network of oikos gatherings, but how to get there… well, like I said, please pray for us. On a related note, I believe that God has called The CityWell into being for the sake of making disciples of those who are not yet followers of Jesus. Over and again in Scripture we see God’s heart to seek and save the lost, God’s great and generous desire for the world that every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Please pray that our hearts would come to beat with God’s on this, and that we might know the joy of seeing people’s eyes open to the incredible love of God for them in Jesus.

Thank you again for your partnership in prayer, and many of you for your continued financial support. I am deeply grateful to be in this with you and I hope for the opportunity to share more soon.

Grace and peace,


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