Believing the Church can be more than we know. Dreaming toward all God can do... even through us!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

October 2011 Update

Dear Friends,

As I write this update, I am so grateful to have you as partners in prayer, for I am more aware than ever of our absolute dependence upon God for all things. Of late a few scriptures have taken up residence in my heart, and this month I’d like to share them with you with the hope that you might “pray these scriptures” on behalf of me, my family and The CityWell.

Psalm 127:1-2 - Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.

The first part of this verse has been on my mind for over a year now, as I believe it absolutely true that the Lord must be the one who builds The CityWell. God is the Lord of the harvest who will raise up the laborers for this harvest field (Luke 10:2); and like Jesus told Peter: On this rock I will build my church… (Matthew 16:18). However, it is the second part of this verse that speaks most powerfully to me at present, for I find myself frequently eating the bread of anxious toil. I am so tempted to believe that “success” is up to me and that if I only work a little harder or for a few more hours… Last night I sat on my deck alone and confessed my anxiousness to God. I confessed because the root of anxiety is a lack of trust in God to be who God is and to do what God does. I am fearful because I fail to believe that God really will build this house. I confessed (and confess) freely and with hope because our Lord has assured us that His response to the sin of my fear is only grace and the reiterated promise of rest for His beloved.

And that is who we are. Beloved.

 John 15:4-5 - Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

I suppose you can see a bit of continuity in the messages God is speaking to me through the gift of His scriptures. These verses (and really the whole passage they are taken from) pierce my heart because I am so tempted in my anxiety to demote the priority of abiding in Christ and elevate the things that seem urgent in my days. In Jesus’ words I hear a stark statement of reality (apart from Him I truly can do nothing) and a gentle invitation (abide in me; be nourished by me; find strength and hope in me). The pattern of life God has designed for us is one of rest followed by work, abiding followed by fruitfulness. In the last month I have been very convicted of my bent toward working until I absolutely need rest, rather than working from a place of rest. God is calling me to work from my rest rather than resting from my work.

Regarding The CityWell, October was a month of joy and rigor. Our weekly gatherings continue to be an occasion for thanksgiving as we are growing deeper in relationship with one another, enjoying worship together, and press forward toward a communal understanding of who we are to be as God’s church in this particular place and time. In addition to these Sunday gatherings we also have two smaller groups meeting one evening per week. These groups are marked by rigorous conversation about our calling and beautiful times of prayer for one another. In all of this I have the gift of laboring with an incredible group of people as we engage together in the hard work of becoming a community. I would invite your prayers for all of us involved that God will continue to grant the gift of discernment as to all of our callings in this ministry, and the communal gift of the Spirit of Jesus to bind us together in love, unity and common mission.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. I pray you will each know the fullness of God’s blessing and find the deepest joy in knowing that you are the beloved of God!

Grace and peace,


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