Believing the Church can be more than we know. Dreaming toward all God can do... even through us!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tagging On...

Some very helpful recent feedback on the potential reception of the tag, "Follow Jesus. Live Well. Bless the City." has led me back to the drawing board. New thought... We should not expect a person to glean from a sticker, t-shirt, business card or other single-glance media a solid understanding of our mission. Actually, in trying to encapsulate our mission in pithy phrases we likely open ourselves up to misunderstanding and/or allow people to think they know what we're driving at without actually having a conversation to really understand. So, what if the goal of the logo and tag is simply to invite inquiry that leads to dialog and a fruitful opportunity to express the Good News that Jesus makes it possible and invites us to follow Him, live well, and bless the city. So how about something like this:

The CityWell
For All Who Thirst

Thank you to the CityWell core team for these ideas. I'd love to know your ideas as well.

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