Believing the Church can be more than we know. Dreaming toward all God can do... even through us!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pray For the Big Stuff!

So I met with some great people the other night to talk about what we pray God will do in and through The CityWell. One of those folks made a piercing comment relative to our dream that this community of faith will embrace and reflect the diversity of Durham: "We are an awfully fair-skinned group so far."

Well, in general, that's true... so far.

And that must change.


To that end, I am convinced of two things: 1) Given the cultural and historical baggage surrounding race relations in our country (and particularly in the South), it will be a true miracle of God if The CityWell becomes what we believe it must become. 2) God loves to perform miracles.

Would you please take a moment right now (or several moments daily for the next few years) to pray that God would pull together a diverse core team that will embody this vision for The CityWell? I absolutely believe that God's desire is for The CityWell community to live out the true story of God tearing down every dividing wall through Jesus. Therefore, I believe God will answer these prayers!

Thank you for being a critical partner in this.

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